Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We have been having so much fun for the rest of the warm weather.
Miley has learned to eat corn on the cob, except she likes to eat from end to end. She is so cute. She loves to play duck duck goose, hide and seek, and she loves peek a boo. But of all the things she loves it would be anything outside.

Abby was in her very 1st parade for her school. I was having a hard time leaving her, but she had a blast with all her little friends.

Colton had crazy hair day at school. He would let me get the top of his head, but it is different colors. It made him crazy too. His teacher did survive. She is awesome and Colton loves it.

This is Abby and her little parade friends.

My mom, my sister Emily, and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Relief Society Broadcast. It was so uplifting, and wonderful. I can never get enough of the temple grounds in Salt Lake they are so beautiful.

This is my lovely mom, and my gorgeous sister Emily. Mom is with the boot and Emily is the one trying to keep her skirt from flying off.

Here in this great photo that is so clear is our wonderful 1st presidency.

I love this temple at night it is so breath taking.

I have been canning everything I can this season. I have not had the greatest luck with my garden so I am so thankful for those who are willing to share. I am just trying to prepare. Last November is when my husband was laid off from his last job, and now they are saying they are doing layoff's in November for this job. I am hoping and praying that either we get one before then, or he makes it past November til spring. I have never been with out a job, it is a eye opener, and a faith builder, but I am not sure I am ready for another round.
But on a good thing this year has been very productive, I have done 4 batches of salsa, 6 batches of jam, 2 batches of fruit leather, froze corn, froze zuchini, spagetti sauce, pizza sauce, pickles, and am still going. It has been fun!


Rosie Moncrief said...

Cute picture of Miley and the corn! Your kids are so cute! I'm very impressed by your cannig skills, I have none!

Margaret said...

Good job on everything. Our garden was over productive and we now have bottled/frozen produce. Yeah for that. I hope everything goes well with the jobs.

nich, nic, and keags! said...

wow...bj you impress me in every way! that is a lot of canning!