Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So I finally got some pics to work. Here is a little peek at what we did over our Christmas Holiday. We sledded, watched movies, played games, and of course ate til we couldn't eat any more. It was the best christmas ever! Kids were so fun on Christmas . Abby Kept telling me that this was the best Christmas ever. I loved that it made my whole day!
I love this pics of my boys!

The Girls. Abby and her cousins.

This is our fam in our Christmas pj's. My favorite ones that I have ever bought. They are so comfy!!
I love spending time with my family!!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Colton looks a lot like his daddy! I love when sons look like their dads! The sledding looks so fun!

Patty said...

It looks like you guys had lots of fun. Thanks for inviting us to sled after the holidays, sorry we were kind of party poopers. You have such a cute little family and it seems like you have your ducks in a row, nice and happy.